

Information Backup

CX Index will regularly back-up adequate copies and generations of all software, documentation and business information and store it off-site.  Regular testing will be done to insure the quality and usability of backed-up resources.  The purpose of this policy is to maintain the availability and integrity of information resources in the case of failure or disaster, by retaining up-to-date back-ups that are stored at a distance sufficient to escape damages that might occur at the main site.

Restoration procedures will be documented and tested to ensure that they are effective and comply with restoration time requirements.  Restoration procedures shall be kept with the back-up copies at the remote location.

The back-up site shall implement similar physical and environmental controls as the ones in place at the main site. 

Back-up media shall be tested semi-annually to ensure the back-up can be relied upon.

Retention schedules will be adhered to for all business information.

Determinations for the permanent archival shall be determined by Senior Management and shall be documented and adhered to.

PC Data Backup

To protect CX Index’s information resources from loss or damage, personal computer users are responsible for regularly backing-up the information on their personal computers to their respective network file shares that are assigned to.  These shares are backed up nightly to secure media for disaster recovery purposes.

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