Roles and Groups

Learn how to manage user roles and groups in CX Index.


A role will determine the level of access that a user has to data within the system. An agent, for example, will only have access to his or her own data. An admin, on the other hand, will have access to data for all teams and users.

In CX Index we have 4 roles:

  • Agent
  • Manager
  • Admin
  • Super Admin


The vast majority of your survey data in CX Index will be attributable to agents, but the agent role has the fewest permissions in CX Index. Agents can only see their own data on the dashboards and can only belong to a single team. 

When logging into CX Index, their view is restricted, with limited access to functionality or information. 


Managers will have access to the data of all agents within the team they are assigned to and to any sub-teams beneath that team. 

Sometimes managers handle calls or interactions with customers, so like agents, managers can also send surveys in CX Index. To enable this, they must be assigned a specific team on which the survey data that is attributable to them will be attached. 

If a manager should have survey sending enabled, you must select the team this manager’s survey data should be attributed to under Team for Survey Data in the edit user module. The teams available here are determined by the teams the manager has access to.

If no Team is selected here, you will not be able to collect survey data for this manager.


Admins have access to all teams, agents and feedback records.

Super Admin

Similarly to Admins, Super Admins have access to all teams, agents and feedback records. But Super Admins have additional control over how the platform is managed.  


While a user’s Role determines what permissions settings they can access, the Group they belong to determines what functionality you’d like your users to see upon logging into CX Index.

Groups give you powerful flexibility in your role based access controls.

Groups enable you to customise available functionality of your pre-defined Group. Enabling you to allow one Group of users access to certain functionality, but not to others.

You might, for example, have a group of users who you’d like to have access to case management, but it isn’t relevant for other users. You can therefore create a group of Case Management Users, and assign the users to that group who will be able to view and handle cases. Users who do not belong to the group with Case Management selected will not be able to access Case Management in the app’s navigation.

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